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Gratitude and the Journey to Healing

Why is having gratitude such an important part of our journey towards healing?


It helps you transform fear, anger, depression, anxiety, lack, jealousy, despair, addiction, and grief TO love, light, hope, joy, happiness, serenity, kindness, grace and blessings.

Transform Fear into Courage, Anger into Forgiveness and Anxiety into Peace.

Transform Dark into Light with gratitude.

This Thanksgiving, be mindful of what you are grateful for. Don’t just write down a list of what you are grateful for, actually live it. Let us know how you are going to live gratefully.  I know I am grateful for you.

Today, I am grateful for my family, friends, love, joy, kindness, light, happiness, courage, hope, strength, support, grace, beauty, healing, forgiveness, abilities, blessings, and the Divine.

Being grateful is an amazing way to bring light to every situation.  Love, light, safety and support is my overall mission for 2B Well.  I am so grateful for all of you who are a part of 2B Well as providers, customers, patients, clients or just observers.

2B Well began and continues from my own healing and path. I have so much gratitude for all of you for being on this journey with me. Thank you.

With Gratitude,


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