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The Authentic Table

I am super excited to be joining Brigitte Factor, MS, BCHN in a new venture to connect Faith and Woman in one Community “The Authentic Table”.  We are both Christian women who want to offer a safe and supportive space to make this spiritual health connection for those seeking this in their life

As a busy woman, I know what it’s like to sift through mountains of information on nutrition, cooking, and health. It can be very overwhelming to read so much conflicting information and not know what’s really going to work. The biggest struggle I see women face is how to implement simplicity and health in their everyday lives. I believe food, living lighter, and not being overwhelmed is a spiritual issue.

The truth is eating a whole foods diet and living a more simplistic natural low-stress lifestyle can have a significant impact on your health. We are created a supportive community to help you navigate the ins and outs of adopting a real food lifestyle so you can experience the best health possible. and most importantly, how to do this in your daily life.

The Authentic Table is a gathering place for faith-filled women seeking holistic simplistic solutions for their health and life challenges. This space was created so that women can cultivate healthier habits, simple choices and navigate recovery in a judgment-free, Christ-centered space.

I’d love for you to join us at The Authentic Table. Explore our community for free for 14-days by clicking the link below.

By joining, you’ll have access to: ✔️Real food recipes and meal planning tips ✔️ Faith-filled devotionals and book discussions ✔️ Weekly lessons on nutrition and lifestyle fundamentals ✔️ Monthly online workshops to learn new information and skills ✔️ Local meet-ups to connect with other members

Join The Authentic Table Today!


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